HTML Introduction

HTML Introduction


2 min read

  • HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, used to create the structure and content on a web page.

  • HTML is not a programming language it displays the text and defines the structure and display in the web browser.

Features of HTML

  • It is easy to learn and use

  • It is platform-independent

  • Text, Images, videos, and audios can be added to the web page

HTML element and HTML tag

  • HTML element is the complete structure of the tag, including the open tag, content (if any), and closing tag (if applicable).

  • HTML tag is the actual keyword or name enclosed with angular brackets (<>) that tells the browser what type of content should be expected.

HTML Page Structure

  • Html page structure contains its essential building block elements like doctype declaration, html, head, title, and body elements, upon which all web pages will run.

    • <!DOCTYPE html> → Defines the version of the HTML document as HTML5.

    • <html> → Root element of HTML.

    • <head> → Contains meta information about the HTML page.

    • <title> → Title of the HTML page shown in the browser title bar.

    • <body> → It defines the document's body and is the container for all the visible content, such as headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, etc.

    • <h1> → defines the heading tag.

    • <p> → defines the paragraph tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Structure of HTML</title>
    <h1>This is heading-1</h1>
    <p>This is paragraph</p>

Advantages of HTML

  • HTML is used to build websites.

  • It supports all browsers.

  • It can be integrated with other languages like CSS, JavaScript, etc.

Disadvantage of HTML

  • HTML creates only static web pages; for dynamic web pages, another language will be used.

  • It should be written with a large amount of support to create a simple web page.

  • The security feature is not good.

Happy Learning

Thanks For Reading! :)
